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Hotel Green Policy

Hotel Policies

Grand Hotel Sofia is committed in working towards preserving the environment, with eco-friendly initiatives at the corporate level. We are working towards these initiatives as a first step of the company’s long-term focus on being "green."

Primary short-term goals

  • Raising awareness of sustainable development
  • Endeavouring to work with partner organisations that share
    our green values
  • Monitoring the implementation measures arising from hotel assessments

Products and Practices

Water Preserving
  • Encouraging hotel guests to have their linens changed on the second night of their stay.
  • Using toilets and faucets that save water.
  • Informing hotel guests that they can participate in the towel re-use program.
Electrical Energy Conservation
  • Raising awareness of sustainable development
  • Endeavouring to work with partner organisations that share
    our green values
  • Monitoring the implementation measures arising from hotel assessments
  • Introducing recycling programs for glass and bottles wherever possible.
  • Minimising the amount of printed materials and reusing them at every opportunity
  • Recycling all the used paper
Eco-Friendly Suppliers and Products
  • Revamping cleaning processes to eliminate the use of aerosols and introduce eco-friendly cleaning chemicals.
  • Considering environmental impacts in our purchasing

Grand Hotel Sofia is dedicated to life-long environmental responsibility and will continue to embrace the addition of new eco-friendly policies in the future.

© 2004-2024 Grand Hotel Sofia.

Webdesign by Desart Studio.
